Just click the layer and remove it with the delete key. You can delete a layer either directly from the editor or the panel. Right-clicking on a layer in the Layers panel opens the context menu. It creates a new layer and it's listed in the Pages & Layers panel. However, the colors will not be visible on Preview.Ī layer is created when an element is added to the editor. You can set color tags for each of your pages. That way, it won't be visible on preview, in exports, and in the sitemap. To hide a page from the list, use the eye icon next to the page name. To duplicate many pages at once, select them with "Shift " pressed, open the context menu with a right-click and choose Duplicate. A copy of that page will appear at the end of the list. To duplicate a page, right-click on it and select Duplicate. On Windows, hold down the Windows key and press either the period (.) or the semicolon ( ).

Use the Command-Ctrl-Space shortcut to access the emoji picker on Mac. You can double-click on the page name, Or, you can right-click on a page and choose Rename. If you delete a page accidentally, you can recover it 20 seconds after by clicking Undo. To delete multiple pages at once, select them with "Shift " pressed.

Right-click on the page you want to delete and choose Delete from the context menu. In the Bottom bar, there is the auto-save indicator, View Settings, Accessibility features, and the Help menu where you can find shortcuts, video tutorials, tips & tricks, Community Forum and the What's New in UXPin section. In the middle, you have the Canvas which is where you design. In the Toolbar to the Left, you have access to all the most frequently used tools, and we call it Quick tools. To the Right of the editor, you have the Properties panel which allows you to adjust the properties of any element on your design. If someone from your team starts working with you on the same project, you will also see their avatars in the Top Bar. To the right, you have the Share, Preview on Device, and Preview buttons, as well as Zoom options. you can create a new iteration of your prototype, export or rename the prototype.

Click it to access the list of all your iterations. Then, in the middle of the top bar, you will see the name of your prototype and the name of the iteration you are currently working on. Starting from the left when nothing is selected, you can go back to the Dashboard, switch between recently opened prototypes, change between Design or Documentation modes. What you see in it largely depends on what you select on the canvas. The Top bar features all the tools and options you use while designing. When you open the UXPin Editor, you will see that the UI is made up of a Toolbar to the left, the Properties panel to the right, a Top bar and a Bottom bar.